Russia plans to expand anti-terrorism cooperation with Taliban — diplomat

According to Zamir Kabulov, the Afghan authorities are sparing no effort "bearing in mind the actual potential to suppress and eliminate Islamic State, which has entrenched in Afghanistan"

MOSCOW, May 27. /TASS/. Russia intends to expand anti-terrorism cooperation with Taliban (outlawed in Russia), which hold power in Afghanistan, a high-ranking Russian foreign ministry official said.

"[We hope for] cooperation not only in various economic sectors but also in the between our law enforcement agencies, strengthening the potential of Afghan law enforcement bodies, which will be able to be more successful in suppressing international terrorist organizations," Zamir Kabulov, director of the ministry’s second Asia department, said in an interview with the Rossiy-24 television channel.

According to the Russian diplomat, the Afghan authorities are sparing no effort "bearing in mind the actual potential to suppress and eliminate Islamic State (outlawed in Russia as a terrorist organization - TASS), which has entrenched in Afghanistan." "And they have achieved much," he added.

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