Ukraine hits 687 targets, 161 cars in Belgorod over week

Valentin Demidov noted that it is planned to repair all the damaged windows in Belgorod by June 10 and all the balconies by June 25

MOSCOW, May 27. /TASS/. Almost 700 facilities have been damaged in Belgorod over one week by shelling attacks by Ukrainian troops, city Mayor Valentin Demidov said.

"Over the past week, as a result of shelling attacks, 687 facilities have sustained new damage, 213 facilities have been restored as well as 120 windows and 145 balconies have been repaired over one week. Some 2,620 facilities are currently being restored. Some 161 vehicles have been damaged over the week," he said at a meeting with the regional governor.

Demidov added that it is planned to repair all the damaged windows in Belgorod by June 10 and all the balconies by June 25. Regional Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov noted that these deadlines do not appear realistic.

The Belgorod mayor assured him that everything will be completed on time.

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