Union State demonstrates highest level of integration in world — Lavrov

On Friday, the leaders of Belarus and Russia are meeting for talks in Minsk, first with a limited circle of delegates and then expanding to include them all

MINSK, May 24. /TASS/. The Union State of Belarus and Russia is a model of cooperation for the entire world, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters.

"We have two sovereign states, and we have the Union State, which represents the highest level of integration that we can see at all not only in the post-Soviet space, but also in other regions of the world," he said.

On Friday, the leaders of Belarus and Russia are meeting for talks in Minsk, first with a limited circle of delegates and then expanding to include them all. The parties will discuss the entire complex of Belarusian-Russian relations: the integration agenda and implementation of the decisions of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, political dialogue, promotion of joint trade, economic and cooperation projects, strengthening of security and cooperation in the humanitarian sphere.

In addition, the international agenda, the situation in the region and working together to respond to emerging challenges and threats will be in focus, as always.

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