Russian charge d'affaires in Romania slams accusations against diplomat 'groundless'

Earlier, the Romanian Foreign Ministry said that a diplomat of the Russian Embassy had been declared persona non grata on the territory of the country

BUCHAREST, May 24. /TASS/. Accusations against a Russian embassy employee, who has been declared persona non grata in Romania, are "absolutely groundless," Yelena Kopnina, Russia's charge d'affaires and minister counselor in the country, told a TASS correspondent.

"All accusations against our employee are absolutely groundless," she said. "In accordance with international norms, the Russian side reserves the right to give an appropriate response," the diplomat pointed out.

Earlier today, the Romanian Foreign Ministry said that a diplomat of the Russian Embassy had been declared persona non grata on the territory of the country. According to the ministry, this is due to "actions that contradict the provisions of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations."

On Friday, Romania's Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism reported the preliminary detention of a Romanian citizen in the country on charges of treason. According to the statement, he allegedly sent photos of Romanian or NATO-owned military facilities to the Russian embassy in Bucharest.

"Neither the embassy nor any of its employees received any photos or materials," the Russian charge d'affaires said, commenting on this report.

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