Results of UNGA vote on Srebrenica utter failure — Russian mission

"The only real consequence of the ill-considered move of the Bosniaks and those who support them was the opening of Pandora's Box of 'genocidal' files that lie gathering dust 'in the closets' of many," Dmitry Polyansky noted

UNITED NATIONS, May 24. /TASS/. Russia’s first deputy permanent representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky has described the UN General Assembly’s resolution on Srebrenica as unconvincing and the results of the vote on it as utter failure.

"A very bad result for those who were pushing through the General Assembly a resolution on the events in Srebrenica of thirty years ago: 84 votes as a result of many months of efforts, taking into account that 65-70 votes are almost guaranteed for the West and its satellites by default. This is really a failure," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

"General Assembly resolutions having this kind of support, even when adopted, look very unconvincing. The only real consequence of the ill-considered move of the Bosniaks and those who support them was the opening of Pandora's Box of 'genocidal' files that lie gathering dust 'in the closets' of many," Polyansky added. He also pointed out that "now there is every reason to expect more such initiatives, many of which the Westerners will obviously dislike."

As a result of the vote, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on genocide in Srebrenica. The document entitled International Day of Reflection and Remembrance of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica received the votes of 84 countries, while 19 countries, including Russia, Belarus, Hungary, China, Serbia and Syria, voted against and 68 countries abstained.

The draft resolution was proposed by Bosnia-Herzegovina, Germany and Rwanda and co-sponsored mainly by the Western countries. Russia repeatedly spoke out against. In particular, Russia noted that the adoption of the resolution could trigger a surge of tensions in the region, as well as has nothing to do with memorializing the victims of the events of those days. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the West was campaigning for the draft resolution to "show the inevitability of political reprisals against all countries with an independent position on the international arena."

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