Kiev resorting to total terrorism as it stands no chance to win on battlefield — FSB head

Alexander Bortnikov also referred to systematic Ukrainian attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure inside Russia, sabotage in Russian border regions

BISHKEK, May 24. /TASS/. Ukraine has been resorting to total terrorism as it stands absolutely no chance to win on the battlefield, said Alexander Bortnikov, director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).

"Seeking to maintain global dominance, the United States, Britain and their NATO allies have been using the whole arsenal of a hybrid war against sovereign countries that oppose their policies as they support overtly terrorist regimes," Bortnikov told a meeting of the Council of Heads of National Security Enforcement Agencies and Special Services of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) now taking place in Bishkek. "Thus, the Ukrainian authorities have resorted to total terror, without being actually able to achieve their goals on the battlefield," he added.

Among other things, the FSB chief referred to systematic Ukrainian attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure inside Russia, sabotage in Russian border regions and pro-Ukrainian propaganda among youths and teenagers on social media.

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