Multipolar world emerging despite opposition from West, says senior Russian diplomat

Mikhail Galuzin pointed out that in such a situation, the need is becoming increasingly clear for constructively oriented countries that protect their interests based on equality, and respect for each other and international law, namely the UN Charter, to build and boost cooperation

MOSCOW, May 23. /TASS/. A multipolar world is being formed despite pressure from the West, which is clinging to its hegemony, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said.

"Our countries are living through a global transformation, with a multipolar world emerging despite direct opposition from the collective West, which is scratching and clawing to hold on to its hegemony," the diplomat said at the opening ceremony of the eighth international conference dubbed "Russia and the World: Dialogues-2024. The Forces of Gravity."

He pointed out that in such a situation, the need is becoming increasingly clear for constructively oriented countries that protect their interests based on equality, and respect for each other and international law, namely the UN Charter, to build and boost cooperation. "Today, globalization is giving way to regional integration. Regional integration makes it possible to more effectively overcome difficulties and strengthen security, particularly in the economic area," Galuzin added.

He noted that the former Soviet countries were a foreign policy priority for Russia. "We pay utmost attention to enhancing integration in Eurasia and expanding multilateral ties within regional organizations," Galuzin said. "The key thing is that our partners are also interested in building, maintaining and deepening cooperation," the diplomat stressed.

The "Russia and the World: Dialogues-2024. The Forces of Gravity" conference is taking place in Moscow on May 23-24. The event is aimed at boosting communication and exchange of views between researchers and experts from various countries. According to the organizers, the participants are expected to develop recommendations in terms of enhancing global dialogue, trust, research and expert diplomacy. The conference is being hosted by the National Research Institute for Communication Development, while the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences is its general partner.

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