Ukrainian troops booby-trapped bodies of dead civilians before retreating from Avdeyevka

According to the official, in some cases, family members saw the bodies of their dead relatives booby-trapped by the troops

MOSCOW, May 23. /TASS/. Ukrainian troops booby-trapped the bodies of dead civilians before retreating from the city of Avdeyevka, a security official in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) told TASS.

"We came to know that Ukrainian forces had booby-trapped the bodies of dead civilians before retreating. Those were the bodies of the people gunned down by them or killed in military operations," he said.

According to the official, in some cases, family members saw troops booby-trap the bodies of their dead relatives. "Bomb squad members did their best to remove mines in the most careful manner in order to make it possible for the families to bury the dead," he noted.

Efforts continue to clear Avdeyevka of mines.

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