Latin America refuses to sacrifice its future for US interests, Russian envoy believes

Dmitry Feoktistov noted that the EU industry, which refused direct supplies of Russian hydrocarbons due to sanctions, is currently experiencing a deep crisis, losing its profitability and competitiveness

BUENOS AIRES, May 15. /TASS/. The Latin American countries which refused to join the anti-Russian sanctions have shown that they are not ready to sacrifice their future for the sake of Washington’s ambitions, Russian ambassador to Argentina Dmitry Feoktistov told the Diario Popular newspaper.

"When national interests succumb to the temptation to engage in geopolitical games, and when a pragmatic approach to bilateral cooperation is replaced by ideological priorities packed in a wrapper of flimsy but empty propaganda cliches, this is a sure sign that a country has taken a wrong turn. It is pleasing that our Latin American partners, who have decided not to join the anti-Russian sanctions despite unprecedented pressure from Washington, understand this well. They are not ready to sacrifice their future for the whims of the United States and its satellites," he wrote.

Feoktistov noted that the EU industry, which refused direct supplies of Russian hydrocarbons due to sanctions, is currently experiencing a deep crisis, losing its profitability and competitiveness. "Having come under pressure from the US to impose anti-Russian sanctions, Brussels now has to put up with the discriminatory economic policy of its American partners, becoming increasingly dependent on Washington. In expert circles, the question is being actively raised as to how soon the ‘Made in the EU’ trademark will come to an end," the ambassador added.

According to him, the formation of a multipolar world order today is accompanied by the emergence and strengthening of new centers of power in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as "the gradual fading of the traditional hegemons" - the United States and Europe. "This trend is reflected in the military-political, trade and economic areas. In an attempt to retain their leadership at any cost, the countries of the collective West are taking measures that sometimes turn out to be suicide for them," the diplomat said.

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