Diplomat says US words on possible reconsideration of relations with Georgia 'open threat'

Commenting on the situation surrounding the law on foreign agents in Georgia, Maria Zakharova pointed out that "internal processes in a sovereign state are a purely personal matter of that country, of the people"

MOSCOW, May 15. /TASS/. White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre's statement that the United States will fundamentally review relations with Georgia if a law on foreign agents is adopted in the country is an open threat, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"This is an open threat," she told Radio Sputnik.

"Here they say it straight away: 'Don't pass this law.' And most importantly - why? I think everyone already understands why there is such hysteria in the West. Because then it will be seen what they are financing and how they are destroying the sovereignty of this or that state," Zakharova added.

Commenting on the situation surrounding the law on foreign agents in Georgia, the diplomat pointed out that "internal processes in a sovereign state are a purely personal matter of that country, of the people." "Let's assume that we will leave it to the people of this country to discuss internal processes in Georgia," she added. "But this is not even a reaction, this is absolute, 100% interference of other countries in the internal politics of the sovereign, independent state of Georgia," the spokeswoman stressed.

In this regard, Zakharova pointed to the recent statement of the European Commission. "A concrete example: yesterday the European Commission said, just think about it, I will remind you that for several months the West has been scaring, intimidating, blackmailing, whipping the sovereign state of Georgia about what it should or should not do within the framework of its own legislation. Just yesterday, the European Commission [said] that ‘Georgia’s adoption of the foreign agents law will be an obstacle to its EU aspirations’," the diplomat said.

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