Aeroflot may start year-round flights to Mauritius — Russian Ambassador

Aeroflot will resume flights to Mauritius in October - November 2024, Konstantin Klimovsky told TASS in an interview

MOSCOW, May 12. /TASS/. Aeroflot will resume flights to Mauritius in October - November 2024 as part of the flight program, Russian Ambassador in Port Louis Konstantin Klimovsky told TASS in an interview.

"We assume that Aeroflot will resume flights to the island in October - November 2024 and if all goes well, it will make the program the year-round one," the Ambassador said.

"Mauritius has always been attractive for Russian tourists but it was fairly challenging to travel here due to absence of direct flights, especially when people flew with children or attempted to reach the island from Russian regions," Klimovsky noted. "They had to make to two transfers in the latter case - in Moscow at first and then in Istanbul or Dubai," he added.

The first flight of Aeroflot as part of the seasonal flight program arrived in Mauritius at the turn of last December after a very long break, the Russian diplomat said. "The tourist flow from Russia increased significantly at once," Klimovsky noted, adding that almost 60% of all Russian tourists used the national air carrier for flights.

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