Russia to join ranks of top four global economies — presidential decree

The government is tasked to present eleven new National Projects by September 1 of this year

MOSCOW, May 7. /TASS/. Russia should join ranks of the top four global economies by the purchasing power parity, according to the new May decree of President Vladimir Putin.

Main goals set in the new May decree are presented below.

National Goals

The decree sets seven national developments goals: "Population preservation, health strengthening and improvement of welfare of the people and family support," "Unlocking the potential of every individual, fostering of his or her talents and raising patriotic and socially responsible individuals," "Comfortable and safe living environment," "Environmental welfare," "Sustainable and vigorous economy," "Technological leadership," and "Digital transformation of state and municipal administration, economy and social sphere." Overall, 82 targets are listed in the decree.

Goals in economy and technologies

- To achieve the fourth place globally by GDP by the purchasing power parity in 2030 at the latest with macroeconomic stability preserved.

- To join ranks of ten leading countries by the volume of research and development and increases costs for them up to 2% of GDP by 2030.

- To reduce the share of imports in GDP to 17% and scale up the share of domestic high-technology goods and services by 1.5 times.

- Fixed capital investments should grow by 60% by 2030 from the 2020 level.

- Exports of non-resource non-energy goods should grow by at least two thirds. The tourism sector is to support up to 5% of GDP.

- The agro-industrial production volume should grow by 25% by 2030 against the level in 2021, and exports should grow by 150%.

- The network of stable partnerships with foreign countries should be formed and the required infrastructure for the foreign economic activity should be created.

Goals in demography and social sphere

- The increase of the total fertility rate to 1.6% by 2030.

- Life expectancy to grow to 78 years by 2030.

- Poverty level lowering to less than 7% by 2030.

- At least 500,000 foreign students in Russian higher educational institutions by 2030.

Infrastructure and ecology goals

- Implementation of large-scale upgrade programs for public utilities, public spaces improvement and public transport renewal.

- Air mobility growth for Russians by 1.5 times by 2030.

- 100% of solid communal waste to be sorted by 2030.

Digital transformation

- "Digital maturity" of administration and key sectors of the economy and social sphere by 2030.

- Broadband access to the Internet for 97% Russian households by 2030.

- Digital sovereignty and information security provision on the Internet and creation of a system to efficiently counter cybercrimes.

New National Projects

- The government is tasked to present eleven new National Projects by September 1 of this year and an additional package of National Projects to support technology leadership.

- The Cabinet is to present the integrated plan of achieving national development goals for the period by 2030 and in the perspective until 2036 by December 31 of this year.

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