US accusing Russia of allegedly deploying nuclear weapons in space absurd — Lavrov

The foreign minister also pointed out that Russia is firmly committed to its international legal obligations, including the 1967 Outer Space Treaty

MOSCOW, April 22. /TASS/. US accusations against Russia over its alleged deployment of nuclear weapons in outer space have nothing to do with reality, Moscow abides by its international obligations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"Washington’s anti-Russia throw-ins have reached the point of absurdity. It is hurling at Russia unsubstantiated accusations of some activities in space that are threatening international security and are linked with 'the deployment of nuclear weapons there.' These allegations are completely divorced from reality," the top diplomat said, addressing the participants of the Moscow Nonproliferation Conference.

He also pointed out that Russia is firmly committed to its international legal obligations, including the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. "We are consistently advocating the preservation of space as a venue for exclusively peaceful activities of all states on an equitable basis," he emphasized.

According to the foreign minister, Washington's accusations are "a propaganda campaign to discredit Russia’s space activities and our initiatives on preventing an arms race in outer space." "They want to sidetrack the attention of the international community from the real threats in space and receive additional funds for the buildup of their national military space potentials," Lavrov pointed out.

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