Outcome of US election least important for Russia than ever — expert

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 29, 19:40

Dmitry Trenin pointed out that in fact today Russia and the US have only one really serious point of agreement in their relationship - the prevention of nuclear war

MOSCOW, February 29. /TASS/. The outcome of the US presidential election due later this year will be least important for Russia's foreign policy than ever in history, Professor Dmitry Trenin, a researcher at the Higher School of Economics and leading research fellow at the IMEMO institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said at a meeting of the Valdai discussion club.

"It's not that Russia doesn't care about who wins this election, but, possibly, it matters for Russian foreign policy far less than ever before," he said. "That's quite regrettable, because it means that the opportunities for constructive relations with the US, let alone partnership, are minimal. This is a very sad reality."

Trenin pointed out that in fact today Russia and the US have only one really serious point of agreement in their relationship - the prevention of nuclear war. "Or prevention of a major war in Europe, which is very likely to acquire a nuclear dimension," Trenin said.

In his opinion, the upcoming US presidential election is perceived in Russia as "buffoonery, a circus show, an entertainment with absolutely fantastic twists and turns."

"There is a popular saying - I really hate it - 'stock up on popcorn.' There are some people in Russia who are watching the American election with a huge bag of popcorn at hand. They watch these twists and turns as something very exciting, but not really of any serious importance to Russia," Trenin said.

The US presidential election will be held on November 5, 2024. On April 25, 2023, Democrat Joe Biden said he would seek re-election. Donald Trump said he would enter the election race in November 2022.

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