International Court of Justice disavows anti-Russian UNHRC resolutions — Gatilov

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 28, 15:17

"The court rejected all accusations against our country, including those related to racial discrimination and the financing of terrorism," Gennady Gatilov emphasized

GENEVA, February 28. /TASS/. The International Court of Justice, by rejecting Ukraine's accusations against Russia, completely disavowed the anti-Russian resolutions adopted earlier by the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), Gennady Gatilov, Russia's permanent representative to the UN office in Geneva, told the 55th session of the HRC.

The chief of Russia’s diplomatic mission recalled that human rights today had become a sphere that the countries of the collective West and their allies "are actively using in pursuit of their selfish geopolitical aims."

"The impudence and hypocrisy of these countries have reached a point where it is impossible not to react," Gatilov continued. "The UN International Court of Justice, which pronounced its decision on January 31 in the Ukraine-initiated proceedings against Russia, could not leave this without a response."

"The court rejected all accusations against our country, including those related to racial discrimination and the financing of terrorism," the diplomat emphasized. "The International Court of Justice completely disavowed the anti-Russian resolutions adopted by the HRC and recognized the claims and accusations on which these documents are based as null and void."

According to Gatilov, the January 31 court ruling "clearly demonstrates that these resolutions are based on slanderous charges by the Ukrainian authorities and their Western patrons."

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