OPCW must be warned of Kiev's plans to use chemical warfare agent — Russian senator

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 27, 18:59

The OPCW director-general is obliged to initiate an investigation no later than 24 hours after receiving the relevant request from the country in question, complete it within 72 hours and send a report to the Executive Council

MOSCOW, February 27. /TASS/. The evidence exposing Ukrainian secret services’ preparations for a terrorist attack with the use of chemical warfare agents should be brought to the attention of the international community, including the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), says the deputy speaker of Russia’s Federation Council (upper house of parliament) Konstantin Kosachev.

"The news about preparations by Ukraine's special services for a terrorist attack using chemical warfare agents that can be qualified as chemical weapons is alarming. While experts are thoroughly looking into the details and establishing exactly what kind of substance was being prepared for use, I would like to point out that this information should undoubtedly be brought to the attention of the international community. First of all, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in accordance with its mandate," Kosachev wrote on his Telegram channel.

He recalled that under Article 10 of the 1993 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, each state party has the right to request and receive assistance and protection against the use or threat of use of chemical weapons, if it sees such a threat. The Convention explicitly prohibits any military preparations for the use of chemical weapons, as well as assistance and encouragement to carry out any prohibited activity.

"The latter is particularly relevant in view of the fact that, according to information obtained by our special services, the seized substance (NATO code BZ) was developed in the United States," Kosachev stated.

The OPCW director-general is obliged to initiate an investigation no later than 24 hours after receiving the relevant request from the country in question, complete it within 72 hours and send a report to the Executive Council.

"Let's see if the OPCW leadership has enough political will to activate these mechanisms. It is common knowledge that the OPCW was one of the first international organizations to take a biased stance towards Russia back during our operation in Syria. After the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, we must say it bluntly, the OPCW has degenerated. Nevertheless, I am adamant that we use all available tools to protect our interests," Kosachev stressed.

On February 27, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said it had prevented a terrorist attack plotted by the Ukrainian secret services involving the use of an analogue of a chemical warfare agent in the Zaporozhye Region. Three Ukrainian citizens were detained. The seized chemical agents are used to make chemical weapons of mass destruction. They were developed in the US. The FSB’s Investigative Department has launched criminal proceedings and is investigating a case under Article 355 (development, production, stockpiling, acquisition or sale of weapons of mass destruction) and Article 205 (terrorist act) of the Criminal Code.

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