Russia enters counterpropaganda ring versus US, winning some rounds, losing some — Kremlin

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 22, 10:59

Dmitry Peskov recalled that the concept of information warfare is as old as the world itself and the journalism profession itself

MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. Russia has only relatively recently begun to roll out a serious campaign to counter Washington’s well-oiled propaganda machine, winning some rounds against the US, while losing others to it in some aspects, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"Information wars, they have always been waged, they are being waged now and will be waged incessantly in the future. It is possible to win tactical victories in this war, but it is difficult to win strategically," the Kremlin spokesman said in an interview with the International Reporters portal. "Yes, we have relatively recently begun our work on counterpropaganda in the good sense of the word, [meaning] our active efforts to convey our position to various countries around the world," Peskov pointed out.

"Are we winning? We are winning in some aspects, but we are also losing in some others, because we have a very formidable enemy," the presidential spokesman noted.

He recalled that the concept of information warfare is as old as the world itself and the journalism profession itself. "You know that journalism is one of the oldest professions on Earth," Peskov said.

At the same time, speaking about the development of counterpropaganda efforts in Russia, Peskov emphasized that "it is necessary to master all the techniques of multimodality." "Nowadays, the mass media is not just newspapers, not just TV channels, and not just radio stations. As a rule, [today’s media landscape has a] multimodal media [model] that includes all of these elements," he said, adding that in order to convey Russia's point of view and position to diverse countries around the world, all available media channels must be mastered and utilized perfectly.

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