Russia always adapts to West’s machinations — Lavrov

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 14, 16:45

The top Russian diplomat opined that changes in Russian legislation will help improve the situation

MOSCOW, February 14. /TASS/. Russia will navigate and resolve the challenges arising from the forced reduction of its diplomatic presence abroad, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"We will always find a way out of these schemes that the West promotes in the interest of inflicting a 'strategic defeat' [on Russia]," the top diplomat told the State Duma.

Lavrov pointed out that "as a result of the hostile measures that the West has taken and continues to take, including declaring Russian diplomats and consular officials personae non gratae, the physical capacity to assist Russian citizens and provide consular services has been significantly reduced." "Hundreds of diplomats have been expelled from their host countries; almost nowhere are we allowed to replace at least some of these diplomats. Of course, we reciprocate, but this does not make the problems any easier," the foreign minister said. As an example, he cited Germany, where "almost all general consulates are closed, only the embassy in Berlin with the consular section and the consulate in Bonn remain."

Lavrov opined that changes in Russian legislation will help improve the situation. "Recently, amendments to the law on citizenship came into force, making things easier on our citizens: if before a person living permanently abroad could only apply to a diplomatic institution in the country where he lives on issues related to citizenship, now it can be done in any other country where we have more opportunities to provide consular services in terms of staff availability," Lavrov explained.

He also drew attention to the amendments to Russia’s Consular Charter, according to which the unitary enterprises under the Foreign Ministry are authorized to establish branches abroad to assist foreign agencies in carrying out consular actions. "These functions will remain with diplomatic and consular missions, but they now help to provide preliminary processing of documents, as well as offer consular services," the top diplomat emphasized. According to him, this is already being done in Turkey, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan. "There are plans to expand providing these services," Lavrov said.

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