Accusing Russia of meddling in 'democratic processes' of EU absurd — MFA

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 12, 17:59

Maria Zakharova stressed that the European Parliament, "which has become a citadel of EU plutocracy, bears the lion's share of responsibility for such a deplorable state of affairs"

MOSCOW, February 12. /TASS/. The latest attempts to accuse Russia of interfering in democratic processes in the European Union are inherently ridiculous, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said in a commentary.

She drew attention to the anti-Russian resolution adopted by the European Parliament on February 8, which contains a number of accusations against Russia, including interference in "democratic processes in the EU."

"As for attempts to accuse Russia of interfering in ‘democratic processes,’ they are inherently ridiculous. If only because the EU lacks the very democratic norms and ideals that the founding fathers of the European project aspired to," she pointed out. "In the current EU, the principles of protecting the rights of ordinary people, the rule of law and the fight against corruption have been trampled on. The EU indulges in rampant neo-Nazism and glorification of Nazi criminals convicted by the Nuremberg Tribunal, turning a blind eye to the humiliating conditions ethnic minorities are facing in some EU member states and EU candidate countries."

Zakharova stressed that the European Parliament, "which has become a citadel of EU plutocracy, bears the lion's share of responsibility for such a deplorable state of affairs." She noted that the main purpose of the resolution was to assert the conditions of what in fact is "cartel collusion" by liberal pro-US political mainstream circles "in order to prevent the strengthening of nation state-oriented parties and movements in a future European Parliament."

She also noted that the socio-economic situation in the EU was clearly unsatisfactory at the end of the legislative period.

"The reasons for the difficult situation in the EU economy stem from Brussels’ thoughtless actions to escalate the sanctions against Russia and erroneous decisions in key areas. This is precisely the reason why the alternative political forces objectively gain a firmer foothold, which is well seen in numerous opinion polls in Europe," Zakharova said. "Under the slogan of 'fighting a Russian threat,' a campaign is being waged of wholesale cleansing of the political landscape from inconvenient and increasingly dangerous competitors."

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