Russia sets eyes on Asia not because it is forced to — Deputy Foreign Minister

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 08, 11:49

Andrey Rudenko explained that Russia's interest in the region "is objective, as well as the desire of Asian partners to cooperate with Russia"

MOSCOW, February 8. /TASS/. Russia is looking toward Asia not out of necessity, contrary to what the United States has been claiming, but considers this policy track as strategic and self-sufficient, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko told TASS in an interview.

"The Asian vector in Russia’s foreign policy is a strategic, self-sufficient track and not opportunistic in any way. The West is trying to present the case as if Russia is forced to look toward Asia because of the obstacles we face in the United States and Europe. But this is, as they say, wishful thinking," Rudenko said.

He explained that Russia's interest in the region "is objective, as well as the desire of Asian partners to cooperate with Russia."

"Therefore, relations are strengthening steadily, interaction is growing and the agenda is expanding. Those who are deeply involved in Asia in one way or another know this very well," he concluded.

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