US sees special military op as challenge to unipolar world — ambassador to US

Russian Politics & Diplomacy January 17, 13:54

Anatoly Antonov added that Washington will do its "utmost to preserve and keep intact that [prevailing model of a] world order"

WASHINGTON, January 17. /TASS/. The US authorities see Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine as a challenge to the world order that is favorable to Washington and will make every effort to preserve this word order, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov told TASS in an interview.

"It is patently obvious that America's ruling circles see the special military operation in Ukraine as a challenge to the Washington-led unipolar world. Therefore, they will do their utmost to preserve and keep intact that [prevailing model of a] world order which is favorable to them and detrimental to everyone else," the diplomat said.

"This is a short-sighted policy. Those at the helm here are not yet ready to come to grips with the fact that the demonization of Russia effectively nullifies the chances of overcoming the multitude of global challenges facing humanity. We try to convey these thoughts not only at meetings with administration officials, but also to the local public through our contacts with political analysts, retired officials and journalists," Antonov stressed.

"We also carry out active outreach within the Washington diplomatic corps. In 2023, we arranged two major receptions for our African colleagues in conjunction with the Russia-Africa summit. We also hold evening social events featuring Russian music within the Embassy grounds, where we have an opportunity to communicate with representatives of friendly and neutral states," the Russian ambassador to Washington added.

"I believe that such events put all things in their proper place. Our partners demonstrate their understanding of the underlying reasons and causes of the special military operation. They realize that the West’s fury stems solely from the fact that Russia has not only stopped NATO's eastward expansion but also shifted this process into reverse," the ambassador concluded.

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