Russia hails success of President Aleksandar Vucic’s party in Serbian elections — Kremlin

Russian Politics & Diplomacy December 18, 2023, 13:59

Dmitry Peskov expressed hope that Aleksandar Vucic’s party's success would facilitate the republic’s further development

MOSCOW, December 18. /TASS/. Moscow is closely following parliamentary elections in Serbia, and welcomes the success of incumbent President Aleksandar Vucic’s party, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists.

Earlier, the Balkan nation’s election commission said that the "Aleksandar Vucic-Serbia Must Not Stop" coalition had remained in the lead in the parliamentary election, garnering 47.21% of the votes after 91.6% of all ballots had been processed.

"Indeed, we are following this very closely. This is an exclusively domestic affair of Serbia, our friendly and fraternal country," the Kremlin official said. "Certainly we welcome such a success by Mr. Vucic. We hope it will facilitate the republic’s further development. Of course, we are hoping that the course toward the further strengthening of our friendship, our mutually beneficial and respectful interaction will be continued," he added.

Earlier, Vucic said that the "Aleksandar Vucic-Serbia Must Not Stop" electoral coalition would win an absolute majority of seats in the Serbian parliament and "will garner more than 127 mandates [out of 250].".

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