'Step towards self-destruction': Russian envoy on EU launching Ukraine accession talks

Russian Politics & Diplomacy December 15, 2023, 23:08

Kirill Logvinov warned that this would be another blow to the sovereignty of European states with the concentration of power in Brussels

BRUSSELS, December 15. /TASS/. The EU Summit’s decision to begin negotiations on Ukraine and Moldova’s accession to the EU brings the EU one step closer to self-destruction, Acting Russian Permanent Representative to the EU Kirill Logvinov told TASS, commenting on the outcome of the summit. He warned that this would be another blow to the sovereignty of European states while concentrating power in Brussels.

"The EU has taken a big step towards self-destruction," he said.

The Russian diplomat underscored that there are even no predictions of any "positive effect from the admission of Ukraine," and all decisions are being made simply to counter Russia, regardless of the cost.

He warned that "the beginning of negotiations with Ukraine will make it possible to launch the process of reforming the EU, which will significantly restrict the sovereignty of its member states," in particular, "stripping the member states of their veto power."

"Thus, the decision on Ukraine, irrational for the EU, is quite clearly logical for the European Commission, which hopes to significantly expand Brussels’ powers this way," Logvinov underscored.

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