Pressure cannot deter PM Modi from acting in the interests of India, its people — Putin

Russian Politics & Diplomacy December 07, 2023, 18:35

The Russian leader noted that he "cannot imagine that Modi could be frightened, intimidated or forced to take any actions, steps, decisions that would be at variance with the national interests of India and the Indian people"

MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. Relations between Russia and India are developing on all tracks, because Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi cannot be intimidated by any pressure whatsoever from unfriendly countries, President Vladimir Putin said at the "Russia Calling!" forum.

"I want to say that relations between Russia and India are developing progressively along all trajectories, and the main guarantor of this is the policy pursued by the prime minister, Mr. Modi," Putin said.

Putin added that he "cannot imagine that Modi could be frightened, intimidated or forced to take any actions, steps, decisions that would be at variance with the national interests of India and the Indian people." "And such pressure can be felt," the Russian president noted.

Putin disclosed that he and Modi never even discuss this subject. "I just look at what is happening from the outside, and sometimes, frankly speaking, I am even surprised at his tough stance on defending the national interests of the Indian state," the Russian president stressed.

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