Russia-India partnership positevely assessed at New Delhi consultations — Russian MFA

Russian Politics & Diplomacy November 14, 2023, 13:49

The ministry also pointed out that during the consultations the sides reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening coordination in the international arena, including in the United Nations, as well as in the platforms of the G20, BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

MOSCOW, November 14/TASS/. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko and Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra at consultations in New Delhi highly praised the special privileged strategic partnership between the two countries and discussed cooperation, international and regional issues, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported.

"During the meeting there was a thorough exchange of views on current issues of multifaceted cooperation between Russia and India, international and regional problems. The schedule of forthcoming bilateral contacts was agreed upon," the ministry said. "The parties highly appreciated the Russian-Indian special privileged strategic partnership. They discussed in detail the work on key areas of interaction with a focus on trade, economic and financial spheres," the Russian diplomats said.

The ministry also pointed out that during the consultations the sides reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening coordination in the international arena, including in the United Nations, as well as in the platforms of the G20, BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In addition, the sides agreed to intensify dialogue on key issues of the global and regional agenda.

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