Russian legislature appeals to UNGA to urge US to lift US embargo on Cuba

Russian Politics & Diplomacy October 24, 2023, 14:22

The appeal is also addressed to the parliaments of the UN member states and international parliamentary organizations

MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/. The State Duma has adopted an appeal to the United Nations General Assembly seeking to end the US economic, trade and financial embargo against Cuba.

The appeal is also addressed to the parliaments of the UN member states and international parliamentary organizations.

"The State Duma appeals to the General Assembly of the United Nations, the parliaments of the Member States of the United Nations and international parliamentary organizations to condemn the illegal economic, trade and financial blockade of the Republic of Cuba by the United States of America, to develop and implement practical measures to encourage Washington to put an end to the long-standing blockade of Cuba, to stop the pressure on the Cuban people, to guarantee respect for the universally recognized principles and norms of international law," the appeal said.

Lawmakers expressed their strong protest against the gross violation by the United States of the fundamental principles of international law, which is manifested in systematic attempts to intimidate the republic and numerous inhumane actions to deprive its people of the material means necessary for a dignified life.

"The economic, trade and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America has created a difficult economic and humanitarian situation in the Republic of Cuba, which is exacerbated by the consequences of a number of natural and man-made disasters. Illegal actions of the US government against the people of the Republic of Cuba have a negative impact on their well-being, jeopardize the right to a dignified existence of millions of Cubans, damage their health, cause emotional and physical suffering, and limit their ability to receive vital medical care," the appeal said.

Lawmakers stressed that the sanctions implemented by the United States are extraterritorial in nature and directly prevent some countries and international organizations from building equal and mutually beneficial relations with Cuba.

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