Russia, Turkey should join forces to counteract fake news, media provocations — Lavrov

Russian Politics & Diplomacy October 12, 2023, 13:30

The Russian top diplomat believes that media outlets can play a lead role in promoting greater trust and mutual understanding between the peoples of Russia and Turkey

MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. Russia deems it necessary to counteract jointly with Turkey the pernicious effect of bogus stories and provocative fake news in the media, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a video address to participants in a roundtable discussion being hosted by TASS.

Lavrov believes that media outlets can play a lead role in promoting greater trust and mutual understanding between the peoples of Russia and Turkey. "The priority task for the two countries’ media establishments consists of making concerted efforts in the fight against common challenges and threats in the information sphere, as well as working out algorithms for cooperation in order to minimize the effects of the disinformation being disseminated by our ill-wishers. We adhere to the need to jointly fight various manifestations of fake news and bogus, provocative stories in the media space," Russia’s top diplomat said.

In the current international environment, building and maintaining a favorable informational climate around Moscow’s cooperation with Ankara is in particular demand, Lavrov said. He urged Russian and Turkish reporters to take a constructive, responsible stance while being guided by official statements issued by Moscow and Ankara. "Gradually developing the Russian-Turkish relationship in the media sphere fully meets the interests of our countries and peoples as it contributes to promoting bilateral dialogue," Lavrov maintained.

"I would like to give my assurances that the Russian Foreign Ministry will continue to provide as much assistance as possible to Turkish reporters accredited in our country," Lavrov said. "We expect a similar attitude on the part of Turkish officials toward our media representatives," he concluded.

TASS is hosting a roundtable titled "Russia - Turkey: The Role of Media in Boosting Cooperation" on October 12-13. Media executives will meet with Russian senators and diplomats for expert discussions. A photo exhibition, "Cooperation between Russia and Turkey in the Lens of TASS," opened before the first meeting.

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