Fewer Western arms in Ukraine would mean Russia could accomplish its goals faster — Lavrov

Russian Politics & Diplomacy October 09, 2023, 16:54

The Russian foreign minister noted that the arms supplied to the Kiev regime by the West "are spreading all over the world"

MOSCOW, October 9. /TASS/. The tasks set forth by Russian President Vladimir Putin would be accomplished faster if fewer Western weapons found their way to the battlefield in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

That said, he noted that the arms supplied to the Kiev regime by the West "are spreading all over the world."

"If there were fewer Western weapons on the battlefield on the side of the Ukrainian Nazi regime, most likely the tasks set forth by the [Russian] president would be accomplished sooner but in any case, they will be accomplished. But the fact that the arms sent to Ukraine are being spread across the world in huge numbers via smugglers and other unscrupulous dealers in this deadly merchandise has been well-known for a long time," he said following talks with Secretary General of the League of Arab States (LAS) Ahmed Aboul Gheit replying to a question from TASS about whether Western arms deliveries to the Kiev regime may have ended up in the Middle East.

The top Russian diplomat said that at the UN Security Council, Russia had repeatedly highlighted the issue of Western arms supplies spreading beyond Ukraine but to no avail. "And if Western strategists are keen on pursuing their policy, using Ukraine and the corpses of Ukrainians as a tool of aggression against Russia, nothing can be done here," he added.

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