Over 53% of voters cast their ballot in Zaporozhye Region

Russian Politics & Diplomacy September 10, 2023, 3:52

A total of 226 local election commissions operated

MELITOPOL, September 10. /TASS/. After the second voting day in the Zaporozhye Region, the turnout exceeded 53%, the chairperson of the region’s election commission, Galina Katyushchenko has told reporters.

"The second day of the three-day vote is now over. By now, the turnout stands at 53.01%," she said. "A total of 226 local election commissions were working. No violations have been reported during the vote."

She added that election commission members met with international experts earlier in the day, who rated highly the way the electoral process was organized and "noted that all voters have equal access and the opportunity to vote even outside the polling stations, which is very important in our circumstances."

Elections in Russian regions within the framework of the single voting day are running from September 8 to 10. The Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions are taking part for the first time. Elections at various levels are to be held in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including direct elections of top officials in 21 regions, and elections of deputies to legislative bodies in 20 constituent entities.

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