Russia never meddled in Canadian elections, ambassador says

Russian Politics & Diplomacy September 08, 2023, 11:18

"It is obvious to all observers that accusations of interference that are leveled against certain foreign forces are a convenient tool in the political games inside the Ottawa bubble," Oleg Stepanov said

OTTAWA, September 8. /TASS/. Russia has never interfered in Canadian elections or any other public events, and attempts to accuse Moscow of this are just a part of Canada’s domestic "political games," Russian Ambassador to Ottawa Oleg Stepanov said on Thursday.

He was commenting on the Canadian government’s decision to conduct a public investigation into possible interference in Canadian affairs by Russia, China and other nations.

"Russia has never meddled in Canada's internal affairs in general, nor in electoral processes in particular. Not once has the Canadian side presented facts proving the contrary," the diplomat told TASS. "The political establishment in Ottawa is making a mistake by trying to convince itself and voters that Moscow is interested in the results of electoral processes in Canada."

"It is obvious to all observers that accusations of interference that are leveled against certain foreign forces are a convenient tool in the political games inside the Ottawa bubble. Except that such conspiracy theories have nothing to do with the reality of the world around us," Stepanov said.

Earlier on Thursday, Canadian Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said Ottawa will hold a public inquiry into alleged interference by foreign countries, including Russia and China, in its elections and other public processes. The investigation will be led by Quebec Judge Marie-Josee Hogue, who will commence her duties on September 18. She is expected to submit a preliminary report by February 29, 2024, while the investigation is expected to conclude in December of that year.

The issue of possible Chinese interference in the Canadian parliamentary elections of 2019 and 2021 has been under discussion in Canada since February. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has repeatedly assured Canadians that the results of all recent federal elections reflect solely the will of the voters. China has also denied the allegations against it. Russian officials have repeatedly stated that Russia does not interfere in the internal affairs of other nations, including elections.

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