US does not fear war ‘to last Ukrainian’ due to flood of procurement contracts — Medvedev

Russian Politics & Diplomacy August 26, 2023, 19:28

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman asserted that the "US, undoubtedly, will try to ignite conflicts in many other places"

MOSCOW, August 26. /TASS/. The American military and industrial complex is flooded with orders so Washington is not afraid of fighting to the last Ukrainian, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with TASS and RT.

"US companies are making money, the American military and industrial complex is developing, it is flooded with orders. In this sense, they are interested in maintaining this war, in the flame of this war burning on for a very long time. Their soldiers are not dying, meaning that people are dying elsewhere. They have absolutely no pity for them. And the war to the last Ukrainian does not scare them at all," Medvedev commented.

The politician asserted that the "US, undoubtedly, will try to ignite conflicts in many other places." He reiterated that the entire American history, at least over the past two centuries, has involved the US’ endless involvement in various conflicts to achieve its own goals. "They pursue quite practical goals: a war, an armed conflict, is on, people are dying, the Americans are making money because they could change a vector of economic development in Europe. Their companies are making money on supplying goods and weapons both. They are spending with pleasure those billions of dollars that Biden is getting out of Congress with some weak debates underway but the money keeps coming in. These are hundreds of billions of dollars," he concluded.

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