US, its allies ‘blind and deaf’ to Kiev's crimes, Russia’s envoy to UN says

Russian Politics & Diplomacy August 24, 2023, 23:58

Lies about the real objectives of our special military operation and its reasons, about the real culprits of civilian deaths caused by the actions of Ukrainian air defense systems deployed in residential neighborhoods in violation of international humanitarian law, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said

UNITED NATIONS, August 24. /TASS/. The US and its allies are blind and deaf to Ukraine's crimes and are Kiev's accomplices, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said at the Security Council meeting on Ukraine.

"The saddest thing, dear colleagues, is not even that Ukraine has turned into this, but that it has done so under the direct tutelage of the United States and its allies, which even today show a very selective blindness and deafness when it comes to the crimes of the Kiev regime, both inside and outside their country," Nebenzya pointed out. "Moreover, Western countries are now essentially complicit, not only because they supply the [Vladimir] Zelensky regime with weapons that kill civilians. And not only because they provide him with intelligence and send him mercenaries and the necessary technical specialists. But above all because they cover up the monstrous lies that this regime is spreading about itself and about Russia," the envoy said.

"Lies about the real objectives of our special military operation and its reasons, about the real culprits of civilian deaths caused by the actions of Ukrainian air defense systems deployed in residential neighborhoods in violation of international humanitarian law," the diplomat pointed out. "Lies about staging and provocations like Bucha, Kramatorsk or Mariupol Drama Theater. Lies about Ukrainian children allegedly abducted by us, whom we are actually rescuing. And finally, lies about those criminals whom today's Ukraine honors as ‘heroes’," Nebenzya emphasized.

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