Pakistani ambassador announces completion of mission in Russia

Russian Politics & Diplomacy August 14, 2023, 17:22

Shafqat Ali Khan highlighted his satisfaction with the fact that the relations between the two countries have been developing very positively for over two decades

MOSCOW, August 14. /TASS/. Pakistani Ambassador to Moscow Shafqat Ali Khan announced at a reception marking the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s Independence Day that he is completing his diplomatic mission in Russia.

"I am leaving Russia next month," the head of the South Asian country’s diplomatic representation said. "And I would like to emphasize how important relations with Russia are for Pakistan."

The ambassador highlighted his satisfaction with the fact that the relations between the two countries have been developing very positively for over two decades. "We hope that these relations will continue to strengthen," he added.

Shafkat Ali Khan has served in Pakistan’s diplomatic corps since 1993 and was appointed as ambassador to Russia in March 2020.

The independent state of Pakistan was formed on August 14, 1947. Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a congratulatory message to his Pakistani counterpart, Arif Alvi, in honor of the Independence Day holiday. He expressed Moscow’s readiness to further enhance the multifaceted Russian-Pakistani relationship "in the interests of strengthening regional stability and security." In May, Russia and Pakistan celebrated the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

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