Latin American countries ready to consider payments in national currencies with Russia

Russian Politics & Diplomacy July 18, 2023, 13:51

Russia is also working with Latin American countries for the introduction of the Mir payment system

MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. Certain Latin American countries are ready to work on the transition to national currencies in payments with Russia, Director of the Latin American Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Schetinin said on Tuesday.

"The whole range of countries expresses readiness to the relevant consideration [of the transition to national currencies in payments with Russia - TASS] - this is a fact," the diplomat said.

"This topic is in the course of discussions," Schetinin added. "It requires a serious deliberation by experts that is underway now," he noted.

Russia is also working with Latin American countries for the introduction of the Mir payment system, the department director said.

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