West counting on Ukrainian successes on frontline in next 10 days - politician

Russian Politics & Diplomacy July 01, 2023, 12:00

Kiev may make an attempt at a major offensive ahead of the NATO summit, Vladimir Rogov said

MELITOPOL, July 1. /TASS/. Western countries who support Kiev expect that Ukraine’s armed forces will have successes on the frontline in the next 10 days, and therefore Kiev may make an attempt at a major offensive ahead of the NATO summit, Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the We Stand With Russia movement, told TASS on Saturday.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told Spain’s RTVE in an interview that Ukrainian forces are under pressure to demonstrate results ahead of the NATO summit scheduled to be held in Vilnius on July 11-12.

"Ukraine is not so much keen to show results as it must do so. It’s a must for keeping Zelensky in power and being given more money and weapons. He is pressed for time, as there are around 10 days to go [before the summit]," Rogov said. "Therefore, I have no doubt that they will make an attempt at a major offensive on a sector of the frontline in the next 10 days. It is likely to happen in the Zaporozhye area," he added.

Occupying a locality, say, Vasilyevka or Tokmak in the Zaporozhye Region would mean success for the Ukrainians, Rogov maintained. "They will make every effort toward that goal. Zelensky will not miss out on that," he said. According to the politician, "a very tense and complicated period of 10 days is in store for us."

As the Russian Defense Ministry reported earlier, Ukrainian troops have been making unsuccessful attempts at an offensive since June 4. Secretary of Russia’s Security Council Nikolay Patrushev said on June 22 that the Ukrainian military had lost over 13,000 troops since it launched its counteroffensive. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Ukrainian troops had failed to achieve success in any direction.

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