West fails to reach agreements with Global South at Copenhagen meeting — Lavrov

Russian Politics & Diplomacy July 01, 2023, 3:00

"Now the West has engaged all its forces and publicly announced that the main goal on the political track is to make the Global South countries, including BRICS states, support this "plan," Sergey Lavrov said

MOSCOW, July 1. /TASS/. The countries of the Global South refused to sign joint statements with the West at a meeting on Ukraine in Copenhagen, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Portugal’s Radio and Television (RTP) media group.

"Now the West has engaged all its forces and publicly announced that the main goal on the political track is to make the Global South countries, including BRICS states, support this ‘plan’ (by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky - TASS) aiming for Russia’s capitulation. This was the topic of the Copenhagen meeting where a number of esteemed countries of the Global South had been invited, which, as we were told, refused to sign joint statements," the top Russian diplomat said.

Earlier, Germany’s ARD TV reported that an international meeting on Ukraine was held in Copenhagen on June 24 "under conditions of strict secrecy" with the participation of diplomats from Western countries, as well as representatives of Brazil, India, China and South Africa. The TV channel noted that the West's goal was to gain the support of these BRICS countries, which so far have remained neutral in the situation around Ukraine. The talks were held at the initiative of Kiev.

On Wednesday, the Bloomberg news agency reported that the meeting’s participants had failed to reach an agreement on settling the crisis. Earlier, a source in the Brazilian presidential administration told TASS that Brazil and other developing countries had not supported Zelensky’s "peace formula.".

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