Russia counts on fruitful scholarly dialogue at Russia-Africa Summit in July — intel chief

Russian Politics & Diplomacy June 20, 2023, 14:06

"A collective discussion of the historical factors to be taken into account in forming the contemporary system of international relations will help strengthen our dialogue with [our] partners from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences," Sergey Naryshkin emphasized

MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. Moscow is counting on a constructive dialogue among Russian and foreign scholars and researchers at the upcoming Russia-Africa Summit, Sergey Naryshkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and chairman of the Russian Historical Society (RHS), said on Tuesday.

"We are counting on having constructive interactions with foreign scholars at the platform being provided by the forthcoming Russia-Africa Summit," he stated at a general meeting of the RHS.

"A collective discussion of the historical factors to be taken into account in forming the contemporary system of international relations will help strengthen our dialogue with [our] partners from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences," Naryshkin emphasized.

He noted that the Russian Academy of Sciences plays an active role in the work of the RHS, and that large-scale research projects are carried out in close coordination between the two institutions. "Here, we can point to the organization of large-scale archaeological salvation work as part of the construction of large infrastructure facilities as well as the two-volume history of Crimea, and the three-volume history of Sevastopol, whereas work on a multi-volume history of Russia is still ongoing, and, I am sure, will be completed in due time," the RHS chairman said.

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