'Cordon sanitaire' in Ukraine to protect Russia should run along Lvov borders — Medvedev

Russian Politics & Diplomacy June 14, 2023, 11:39

"Yesterday, the Russian president said that it is necessary to create a demilitarized zone (‘cordon sanitaire’) for the security of our country. Given the enemy’s decision to supply the Kiev regime with increasingly long-range weapons, such a line should run along the borders of Lvov (Polish Lemberg) (historically, Lvov was known as Lemberg in German and Lwow in Polish - TASS) in order for it to play a real defensive role," the politician said

MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. The potential establishment of a future 'cordon sanitaire', or buffer zone, on Ukrainian territory should run along the borders of Lvov, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.

A day earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out that Russia would consider the issue of establishing a "cordon sanitaire" on the territory of Ukraine if the shelling of Russian regions continues.

"Yesterday, the Russian president said that it is necessary to create a demilitarized zone (‘cordon sanitaire’) for the security of our country. Given the enemy’s decision to supply the Kiev regime with increasingly long-range weapons, such a line should run along the borders of Lvov (Polish Lemberg) (historically, Lvov was known as Lemberg in German and Lwow in Polish - TASS) in order for it to play a real defensive role," Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel on Wednesday. According to him, "these would be the new, secure borders of what used to be called ‘Country 404’ (Ukraine — TASS)."

Putin first mentioned the possibility of creating a cordon sanitaire in Ukraine on Tuesday at a meeting with war correspondents.

"Of course, the possibility of shelling our territory from Ukraine’s soil remains in place. Here are several solutions: first, increasing the effectiveness of counter-battery combat. But, this does not mean that there won’t be any rocket strikes against our territory. So, if this continues, then we would apparently have to consider the issue — and I’m saying this very carefully — of creating on Ukrainian territory a cordon sanitaire at such a distance from where it would be impossible to reach our territory," Putin said.

"But this is a separate issue; I am not saying that we will start this work tomorrow. We have to see how the situation develops," the Russian leader added.

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