Lawmaker sees political motives behind failure to confirm Russia’s credentials at PABSEC

Russian Politics & Diplomacy May 04, 2023, 22:06

The acting head of the Russian delegation Olga Timofeyeva said that the Russian side reserved the right to stop paying the fees unless the delegation’s credentials were confirmed

ANKARA, May 4. /TASS/. The two-year suspension of the credentials of the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation has become a political issue that makes the group’s work less constructive, said Olga Timofeyeva, the acting head of the Russian Federal Assembly’s permanent delegation to the organization.

"Our credentials have remained unconfirmed for two years now. And we are thinking about stopping paying the fees, what with being told this lawmaker isn’t good and that one needs to be removed. It all goes against the regulations. We have said today that we reserve the right to decide whether we need this platform in the first place, if we can’t talk constructively. Nothing constructive will come out of it, unless our delegation’s credentials are confirmed," she told reporters.

Timofeyeva is in Ankara to participate in an anniversary summit of parliament speakers from the organization’s member states and the 61st PABSEC General Assembly.

"We reserve the right to decide whether we will pay the fees. If we don’t, we still have the right to participate in the work of the organization, just without the right to vote. We don’t secede from PABSEC, we don’t suspend our work there. We just want to see a sensible approach," the lawmaker said.

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