Diktat, sanctions on global arena must be dropped — Lavrov

Russian Politics & Diplomacy March 02, 2023, 12:20

Sergey Lavrov stressed that Russia firmly opposed attempts to ruin the supporting structure of international law and to replace it with arbitrary ‘rules’ and double standards

NEW DELHI, March 2. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has called for abandoning the logic of domination, diktat, and sanctions on the global arena, noting that the emergence of a new world order required recognition of diversity and mutual respect for interests.

"The emergence of a polycentric world requires the recognition of civilizational diversity and mutual respect for interests. It is necessary to abandon the flawed logic of domination, diktat, and sanctions. We welcome the rise of new centers of influence in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America," he said at a meeting of the G20 foreign ministers on Thursday.

Lavrov stressed that Russia firmly opposed attempts to ruin the supporting structure of international law and to replace it with arbitrary ‘rules’ and double standards.

"We see no alternative to the sole legitimate world order enshrined in the basic principles of the UN Charter. We would like to emphasize its core principles: the sovereign equality of states and strict adherence to international treaties, including universal conventions on the rights of ethnic minorities, which were trampled on by the Kiev regime to the applause of its Western patrons," Lavrov said.

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