Russian Duma urges UNSC to investigate Nord Stream blasts, punish those responsible

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 16, 2023, 16:17

It points to the data presented by US journalist Seymour Hersh about the US and Norway being behind the attack on the Nord Stream gas system

MOSCOW, February 16./TASS/. The Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) has urged the UN Security Council to investigate the terrorist attack on Russia’s Nord Stream gas system and punish the masterminds and perpetrators in a resolution adopted unanimously at Thursday's plenary meeting.

"The Duma parliamentarians appeal to the UN Security Council with a proposal to initiate a probe into this act of international terrorism, give a legal assessment of this monstrous sabotage attack and bring to justice those who ordered and executed this crime, which endangered the security of Eurasia," says the resolution.

It points to the data presented by US journalist Seymour Hersh about the US and Norway being behind the attack on the Nord Stream gas system.

The administration of US President Joe Biden, who "gave the illegal order, bears full responsibility both for causing billions of dollars worth in losses for the owners of the crucial Eurasian energy infrastructure of Russia, Germany, France, and the Netherlands," and for the long-term detrimental effect on the economies and environment of the region, it says.

The parliamentarians are convinced that this crime by the US "should serve as a pretext for a thorough international investigation, punishment of those responsible and compensation for the damage caused". They also accuse US policymakers of unleashing a sanctions war, fomenting armed conflicts, and subverting "unwanted regimes around the world."

On February 8, US journalist Seymour Hersh, who specializes in investigative journalism, stated in his article, citing a source, that the Nord Stream pipelines were bombed using explosive devices planted by US Navy divers in June 2022 under the guise of the BALTOPS exercise, with support from Norwegian specialists. According to Hersh, the operation was authorized by US President Joe Biden personally, following nine months of discussions with White House security specialists.

On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported unprecedented damage that occurred the day before on three strings of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 offshore gas pipelines. On September 26, Swedish seismologists registered two explosions on the pipeline routes. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office launched a criminal case based on charges of international terrorism.

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