Developing countries to play large role in shaping global future, says Lavrov

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 15, 2023, 15:54

According to the top diplomat, Russia maintains systemic cooperation with all of them, and they all, of course, are pillars of the emerging multipolarity

MOSCOW, February 15. /TASS/. Alliances between developing regions, rather than Western countries, will set the tone for global development in the future, Russia’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov told the State Duma on Wednesday.

"Alliances in other developing regions - the African Union, the Arab League, the [Persian] Gulf Council and the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States - are claiming an increasingly independent role in global affairs," the Russian foreign minister said.

According to Lavrov, Russia maintains systemic cooperation with all of them, and they all, of course, are pillars of the emerging multipolarity. "In the end, it is these countries, and not the West, who will shape the external conditions of development for all the countries on this planet," he maintained.

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