Moscow, Beijing reaffirm shared approaches to key international issues — Russian MFA

Russian Politics & Diplomacy January 20, 2023, 16:05

The senior diplomats have also expressed a shared desire to continue joint work "to build a fair multipolar world order that’s based on universally accepted international legal norms and the pivotal and coordinating role of the UN"

MOSCOW, January 20. /TASS/. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin and Chinese Ambassador to Moscow Zhang Hanhui on Friday spoke by phone to discuss Russian-Chinese cooperation at the UN and reaffirmed the countries shared approaches to key international issues, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"The sides have had a detailed discussion of the issue of bilateral cooperation at the UN platform, including its Security Council and the General Assembly. It has been reaffirmed that Moscow and Beijing share approaches to the key issues of the international agenda, which is fully in line with the spirit of Russian-Chinese comprehensive partnership ties and the strategic engagement relationship," the statement said.

The senior diplomats have also expressed a shared desire to continue joint work "to build a fair multipolar world order that’s based on universally accepted international legal norms and the pivotal and coordinating role of the UN," according to the statement.

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