West tries to blame Russia for non-existent intentions to use nuclear weapons — MFA

Russian Politics & Diplomacy November 17, 2022, 16:51

Sergey Ryabkov added that Russia might resort to nuclear weapons only in a limited number of situations

MOSCOW, November 17. /TASS/. The Western countries are trying to accuse Russia of non-existent intentions to use nuclear weapons, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in an interview with RTVI on Thursday.

"Regardless of the posture we may take on this issue to explain the obvious things they are trying to accuse us of some non-existent intentions [to use nuclear weapons]. This is just a reflection of the course towards the demonization of Russia," Ryabkov said.

He added that Russia might resort to nuclear weapons only in a limited number of situations. In all others the use of this type of military hardware was ruled out.

"We have repeatedly stressed the fundamental principle of Russia’s position: the use of nuclear weapons will be possible in just two situations - when an attack is being carried out against us or our allies with nuclear or other types of weapons of mass destruction or when an act of aggression with conventional weapons has taken place against Russia and the situation has reached a point where the very existence of our state is in danger," Ryabkov concluded.

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