Russia alarmed by Poland seeking ‘candidacy’ to host US nukes, says Lavrov

Russian Politics & Diplomacy October 30, 2022, 12:21

A new generation of Western politicians is trying to irresponsibly ‘toy’ with the topic of nuclear weapons, Russian Foreign Minister said

TASS, October 30. Moscow is alarmed by Warsaw's aspiration to become a candidate for hosting US nukes, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview for the film 'A World on the Verge. Lessons of the Cuban Crisis', which was aired on Sunday on Channel One.

"Poland is asking to be a 'candidate' for the Americans to place their nuclear bombs there as well. This situation is very disturbing," the Russian top diplomat pointed out.

A new generation of Western politicians is trying to irresponsibly ‘toy’ with the topic of nuclear weapons, Russian Foreign Minister said.

"Figures have appeared in Europe who are trying to ‘toy’ with the topic of nuclear weapons in a rather irresponsible manner," Lavrov said.

In particular, he recalled that a few months ago former French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian urged Russia not to forget that NATO also had nuclear weapons. "The commander of the German Air Force [Ingo Gerhartz] suddenly said that NATO should prepare for nuclear war, for the use of nuclear weapons, and what's more, addressing our president, said: ‘Putin, don't you dare compete with us’," the Russian top diplomat added.

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