People remain trapped under rubble after Ukrainian strike — Kherson regional official

Russian Politics & Diplomacy July 13, 2022, 21:13

Five people are still missing

KHERSON, July 13. /TASS/. People still remain under the rubble following a Ukrainian strike on the city of Novaya Kakhovka, Head of the Kherson Region’s Military-Civilian Administration Vladimir Saldo told TASS on Wednesday.

"Some have been rescued from under the rubble but some remain trapped. Five people are still missing. It’s not clear if they are trapped under the rubble or they weren’t home [at the time of the attack]," he pointed out.

The Ukrainian military keeps bombarding settlements in the Kherson Region after Kiev lost control of it. Novaya Kakhovka was attacked with US-made HIMARS rocket systems on Monday night. Apart from damaging buildings, the shelling detonated mineral fertilizer depots. The city’s authorities said that seven people had been killed in the strike, 80 had suffered injuries and another seven had gone missing.

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