Russia calls out nationalist regime in Kiev as hostile to values of Ukrainians

Russian Politics & Diplomacy June 07, 2022, 14:04

Igor Konashenkov noted that "the current Kiev regime’s criminal anti-Christian policy has no future in Ukraine and cannot have any"

MOSCOW, June 7. /TASS/. The current regime in Kiev is hostile to the values professed by the Ukrainian people, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov has said.

He stressed that the Russian army painstakingly avoided bombardments or any action that might cause damage to items of cultural and historical heritage during its special military operation.

"The Ukrainian Nazis entrenched in Kiev are hostile to the historical values of the Orthodox people of Ukraine," Konashenkov said on Tuesday. He added that "the current Kiev regime’s criminal anti-Christian policy has no future in Ukraine and cannot have any".

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