Kherson celebrates Victory Day despite provocations, authorities say

Russian Politics & Diplomacy May 09, 2022, 16:07

Vladimir Saldo specified that about 2,000 people had taken part in an Immortal Regiment march

MOSCOW, May 9. /TASS/. Kherson has celebrated Victory Day despite Ukraine’s provocation attempts, head of the Kherson region’s military-civilian administration Vladimir Saldo told TASS on Monday.

"Although various provocation attempts - posts started circulating on social media yesterday that a curfew would be imposed for the entire day on May 9, <...> people are coming, bringing flowers to our main memorial, the Memorial of Glory," he pointed out.

Saldo specified that about 2,000 people had taken part in an Immortal Regiment march. "Before 2014, thousands of people used to participate, and [today] there were several thousand, about 2,000, there were some 1,500 in the morning but people will keep coming all day long," he noted.

According to the administration chief, he also took part in the march, carrying the photo of his father who had fought in the Great Patriotic War.

Saldo said earlier in an interview with TASS that Victory Day would be celebrated on a large scale in the Kherson region for the first time since 2014, when nationalist forces had come to power in Kiev.

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