Cabinet preparing for consequences of DPR, LPR recognition — PM

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 21, 2022, 19:23

All the possible risks have been fairly considered, Mikhail Mishustin noted

MOSCOW, February 21. /TASS/. The government has been preparing for many months to the consequences of recognizing the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR), Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at a Security Council meeting.

"We have already been preparing many months for the possible response to the recognition of LPR and DPR. I mean in the first instance import substitution and the analysis of all risks we can face in case of making such a decision," the Prime Minister said.

All the possible risks have been fairly considered, Mishustin said. "We understand matters related in particular to the import of high technologies and certain other issues," he noted.

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