Russia continues analyzing US, NATO response on guarantees of security — Foreign Ministry

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 14, 2022, 15:16

On January 26, the US and NATO provided Russia with written responses to the proposals on guarantees of security

MOSCOW, February 14. /TASS/. Moscow continues to analyze the US and NATO responses to Russian proposals on guarantees of security, says Oleg Postnikov, head of Russian Foreign Ministry Department for Arms Control and Nonproliferation.

"We continue analyzing the ideas obtained from the US and NATO, we are formulating our positions on further actions," he told the Federation Council.

"Under no circumstances should we let Western capitals ignore our concerns regarding their understanding and implementation of the principle of indivisible security, which, by the way, the signed under repeatedly," the diplomat underscored.

On December 17 last year, the Russian Foreign Ministry published Russia’s draft agreements on guarantees of security for Washington and NATO. The two documents imply a rejection of NATO expansion eastward, including by rejecting Ukraine’s admission to the alliance, and restriction of deployment of serious offensive weapons, including nuclear ones. Several rounds of talks in various formats have taken place already, but no agreements have been announced yet.

On January 26, the US and NATO provided Russia with written responses to the proposals on guarantees of security. The US side asked not to publish these papers, but US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the key points. According to these statements, the West did not agree to principal concessions to Russia, but it outlined the directions for further talks.

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